Welcome to the Service

Choosing a Psychotherapist for yourself or your child is a difficult decision. I invite you to have a look at the site and if you have any questions please get in touch via the Contact page. If you wish to go ahead and book an appointment you can do so using the Book Now buttons. I will be happy to meet with you in person at the clinic or online for the first session to discuss your needs and tailor make a plan for therapy with you.

I have 15 years of experience working within mental health, to read more about my career and skills head to the About page. Below are the services offered when booking an appointment.


Adult Counselling & Psychotherapy

75 Euro

The majority of adults who attend regular therapy will find an improvement in their work or relationship goals within a few sessions.


Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy

75 Euro

Children and Adolescents struggle today with a number of issues. Supporting them to attend professional services can have an enormous positive impact on their school/social/home lives.


Couple’s Therapy

85 euro

Couple’s therapy can bring about huge change within a struggling dynamic. Typically these sessions are not conducted as often as individual therapy sessions and results are often seen with as little as four sessions.

Enhance Your Well-being Today